Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our building had been closed to all public gatherings. However, now we have opened up once more for our Sunday Worship Services. Our service times have changed and we have added a new Connections Hour. We invite you to come and join us for our services and Connections Hour as we gather as a community of faith, hope, and love that is Christ Church.

Every Wednesday at noon there is an informal worship and prayer service through our Facebook page. On Sundays, we have our 8:45am Contemporary Service followed by our 9:45am Connections Hour, then at 11:00am begins our Traditional Service. You can attend all of our services in person, or our 11:00am service can be attended online through our Facebook page or by radio on stations 1240AM and 95.7FM. You can view our 11:00am bulletin online from our homepage.

8:45 Contemporary Service

This is our early morning service which provides contemporary music that consists of piano, drums, bass, guitar, recorder/oboe, hand percussion, and sometimes keyboards.  This service is casual and we have a lot of fun experimenting with the many ways we can worship God.  This service includes visuals and song lyrics projected onto screens.

 9:45-10:45 Connections Hour

At 9:45am we welcome children and youth to be taken to their children’s Sunday school classes and music classes. At 9:45am adults are welcome to participate in the various adult Sunday school classes or other activities which allow us to connect with one another and grow as a church family. Connections Hour ends at 10:45am allowing for time to gather in the Centrum for the 11:00am Traditional Service.

I'm New

Crib Nursery provided from Birth to 3 years old.

In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, we have completed cleaning our entire facility. We continue to sanitize each room after it’s used.

Parking on Sunday


11:00 Traditional “High Church” Service

The 11:00 service is our most formal, or “High Church,” service.  It consists of clergy and choirs in robes leading in processions at the beginning and the end of the service.  Liturgy is extremely important, and musical leadership is with the Centrum pipe organ and the grand piano.  Handbells often play in this service, as well as guest instrumentalists and our Christ Church Brass Ensemble.  Even though this service is more formal, we also use projection ministries in this service.  In addition to the hymn lyrics, all congregational liturgies are also projected onto the screens.
