
How We Serve

Assistance Ministry

Beginning September 6th, 2022 we will begin seeing individuals in person, every Tuesday afternoon from 11 am - 1 pm. Please enter through the Morris Street Church Entrance. This ministry helps those in need of financial assistance due to a termination notice on their utilities; as well as individuals who are in need of personal hygiene items or cleaning supplies.  This ministry is funded by a special offering that is collected on the 1st Sunday of each month during worship as well as by donations of goods from our congregants.

Blessings Tree

Each Advent we decorate a tree in our gathering space with paper ornaments.  These have items listed on them that are needed by our local shelters and agencies serving people in need in our community.  These tags are taken, the items are purchased, the gift is wrapped and then returned to the church.  These gifts are distributed by our mission team to the different local agencies.

Mission Trips

Local (within WV) – We take adults (18 years and older) to sites within our state to minister to those in need.  Recently we have been to Tyrand Cooperative Parish and Clendenin.  Our middle school youth annually experience the larger UM Church through short mission trips to agencies within our state.

Long Distance – We have taken work teams to New Jersey for Hurricane Sandy relief; we have sent parishioners to other areas within the US that are in need of help following natural disasters or to areas that are simply in need of help.  Our Senior High youth go annually to one of 4 regions in our country to experience different cultures as well as to help those in need.

International – We encourage any and all congregants to pursue trips offered by the VIM (Volunteers In Mission) agency in our conference.  These annual trips can be to just about anywhere on the globe and are usually a week to 10 days in length.  Recently we have traveled to Alaska to build homes for the recovery project and to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Maria recovery.



Each year Christ Church renews our pledge to do ministry outside the walls of our church. We work with and provide assistance to many groups in our area. Some of our recent recipients have been:

Covenant House

Manna Meal


Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center

Charleston’s Men’s Shelter

Sojourner’s Shelter

Interdenominational Council

RCCR (Religious Coalition for Community Renewal)

Rebuilding Together

Faith In Action

United Methodist Mission Projects (both in state and beyond our borders)

Ronald McDonald House

Local schools

Children’s Home Society

Heart & Hand

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)

Gabriel Project Rhea of Hope