Giving Matters

Members of Christ Church promise to support the church by their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness, and through the giving of a part of the riches with which God has blessed us, we make possible ministries in Charleston and around the world. Simply put – giving matters. Giving matters because it is a part of our faithful response as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We are blessed by God and in turn, we are called upon to bless others by returning a portion of our income to Christ and his church. As one does this, one grows as a disciple. Giving matters because it impacts the world. As United Methodists, we share in a worldwide ministry of faith, hope, love, and justice. Our giving supports that worldwide ministry. Giving matters because it creates a generous heart. God gave without measure and asks that God’s people would give with the same joyful and generous heart.

Ways to Give

There are many different methods by which one can give to the church. Giving during the worship service – Once during each service the offering is taken to receive the support that is given by the congregation for the ministry of the church. Offering envelopes are available for those who desire them. Automatic monthly withdrawal – arrangements can be made to deduct a set amount monthly through a direct debit of your checking account. This can be set up through our business administrator. 

Text to Give


Christ Church now has the capability to receive online and text based giving. This will allow for us to continue supporting the variety of mission and ministries that our Church provides in a new way. Many people no longer carry cash or checkbooks but do carry their smart phones. Many others leave to go on vacation trips and their physical absence becomes a boundary preventing them from supporting the mission of the Church they believe in.
Just text your “Dollar Amount” (example: 25) to (855) 953-1471.
Feel free to try out the new text based giving to see if it works best for you. You can try it without being required to give money as the first time you text the amount you want to give to the number provided you will be prompted to establish an account. This is for the first time only, subsequent texts of your generous gift of a tithe will be instant.


It is possible to do an electronic contribute through PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! We provide statements on a regular basis to each person and family who contributes to the church. We provide statements on a regular basis to each person and family who contributes to the church.

Amazon Smile – What is AmazonSmile? AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. How do you shop at AmazonSmile? To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. Don’t forget to pick Christ Church United Methodist as your favorite charitable organization! 

The Kroger Rewards Program - is an easy way to give beyond your regular pledge and offering. We encourage everyone who shops at Kroger to sign-up. REMINDER: You must re-register your Kroger card at the beginning of each new year. So, if you haven’t updated your card, this year, please do so. It only takes a few minutes and costs you nothing. Signing up for this Kroger Community rewards Program does not affect your points or discounts in any way. You can sign-up online or by calling toll free 1-800-576-4377. All you need is the Christ Church NPO# K1937 and your Kroger card. Sign up today!

Where Does it Go?

81% of what is given supports the ministries here at Christ Church. This includes salary support for all members of the staff, utilities and upkeep of the building, and support of the various areas of ministry that are carried out here in service to the Charleston area. 19% of what is given is sent to the WV Annual Conference to support the ministries of the United Methodist Church in the West Virginia Conference and around the world. This includes support for our bishops and superintendents, pension support for retired clergy, mission projects, campus ministries, children and youth ministries and many, many more.